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Two Discounts!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 8:09 pm
by Blubelle
If you have been wanting to join Send Out Cards but have been hesitant about the price... (If you want to learn about Send out cards email me at

Then now is the time to act...

Because from now until December 27th, if you sign up as an Entrepreneur at, and tell me that you want a discount I will write you a check for $35!

What a way to start the NEW YEAR!!

$35 you could use to join Ameriplan at because in December the broker fee is only $35 in January the price will go back to $95. So you could join 2 companies for the price of one.

Or $35 to use towards your dental or medical discount plan at Ameriplan.

Or even $35 which you can use to pay holiday bills, all those bills will be due then!

Or buy a business shirt from so you can start promoting your business right away. (And every order in December enters you into a random drawing).

It's time to act,

Thank you,


PS. The check will be from me, to you so you can spend it however you wish!! But you have to become an Entrepreneur at

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