First Steps to Success Made a Tremendous Difference!

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First Steps to Success Made a Tremendous Difference!

Postby christina » Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:29 am

Dani Johnson's success tools are phenomenal. The Pro Membership on her site is unmatched anywhere. Her seminars are truly life changing. I just got back from her two-day intensive seminar First Steps to Success in Los Angeles and words can't describe how great it was. She truly confronts you from the inside out. You learn so much about yourself and others that it can't help but impact every area of your life, not just your business. She offers training calls every Monday night for free. These calls are a $600 gift to help us succeed in our home based businesses!

Dani Johnson has been in the network marketing industry for more than 16 years. She was homeless and broke before she really got started. She was determined to change her circumstances. She made $250,000 her first year and a million dollars before the end of her second year. She is full of knowledge and specific how-to information that will get you started right from day one. She doesn't provide a lot of hype and theories, but tells you exactly what you really need to succeed. I heard about Dani Johnson a few years ago, but never went to her site. That was a huge mistake. I could be so much further along in my business and have already reached many more goals had I plugged into her training sooner.

I'm telling the truth that I applied what I learned at First Steps to Success and have already paid off $10,000 worth of debt - and I did not have this ability even two weeks ago. I have more confidence in myself, no fear in working my business and a plan to eliminate all of my debt by the end of the year. I will be attending First Steps to Success again in Baltimore, Maryland April 14-15, 2007.

If there is any part of your life or your business you want to change or improve, you do not want to miss this First Steps to Success seminar in Baltimore, Maryland. Go to and get registered right now. Tell 'em Christina Wiley sent you. Please shoot me an email after you register. It would be awesome to meet up with you at the seminar!!

When you join as a member on be sure to take the Quick Start training. That will set you up real good for success. Then get the North Carolina CD's and the Script Books. All of her tools are incredible, but I definitely recommend those being among the first tools you purchase. My mom is not in network marketing, but she has been listening to my North Carolina CD's and she is benefitting greatly in her traditional business.

Have an awesome and prosperous week! I hope to see you in Baltimore. Let's improve our lives together and work toward the success each of us deserve. :)

Your friend,

Independent Scentsy Consultant
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Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2005 1:02 pm
Location: No. California

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