Direct Sales - 6 Interactive Ideas For Team Communication

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Direct Sales - 6 Interactive Ideas For Team Communication

Postby ravish30 » Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:55 am

Direct Sales - 6 Interactive Ideas For Team Communication

As a Direct Sales team leader, I like to provide a way for my teammates to interact and communicate with one another. One of the ways I like to do this is by having a group message board, but there are certainly other ways you can do this that will suit your team's needs.

1. Group Blog - You can set up a free blog and give all of your teammates the log-in information. They can read your updates, business tips and post their own.

2. Email Group - One of the most popular sites online that offer a group email loop is Yahoo. You can upload files, photo's and store archived posts. Your members can get individual postings or a daily digest of postings delivered to their email in-box. You can set it up that you are the only one allowed to post to it or keep it open so that your group can post and respond to messages too.

3. Message Board - Having your own group message board is one of the most efficient ways to communicate with your team online. All posts can be categorized into topics and archived. Your group members can log-in when its convenient for them, read and respond to posts or ask for ideas from other group members. There are a lot of sites online that offer free or low-cost message boards. I recommend setting your message boards to private that way only you and your group have access to them.

4. Group Facebook Page - These days you can set up a private page for you and your group on the popular Facebook website. This is an option, however...I don't feel it's the best option for group interaction because your postings are not easily organized into topics.

5. Chat Rooms - If you are not looking for a way to have your discussions and topics archived for future use, you could set up weekly group chats in a free online chat room.

6. Teleconference Phone Calls - You can set up teleconference phone calls for your group and these calls can be recorded for the team members who couldn't attend so that they can listen to the call when it's convenient for them.

Why should you provide a way for your team to interact with one another? There are many benefits such as:

a. They can partner up to do parties or business events together.
b. As a group, they can hold brainstorming sessions to generate new ideas.
c. If you are using one of the first 4 options listed above, members can post questions and get timely responses when you are unavailable, from other members.

As your group grows and membership spreads out of your local area, you should provide a way for all members on your team to interact with one another as it helps to 'instill' the feeling of belonging to a team, we are all in this together.

Shelly Hill has been working from home in Direct Sales since 1989 and is a Manager with Tupperware. Shelly has been leading her own team since 2003 and strongly believes in the benefits of team interaction. You can contact her at: Web:
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