Direct Sales - The Importance Of The Post Sale Follow-Up

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Direct Sales - The Importance Of The Post Sale Follow-Up

Postby ravish30 » Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:56 am

Direct Sales - The Importance Of The Post Sale Follow-Up

Are you following up with your customers after they have received their purchase from you? If not, you are missing out on future re-orders, party bookings and referrals.

Following up with your customers is an important part of your business. Customers need to know that you value their business. When you follow up with a customer, make it short and sweet. Don’t badger them to immediately make another purchase or to book a party from you. Customers don’t need to be harassed for future sales. You can do a customer follow-up via email, a postcard mailing or by phone.

Here is a brief script of what you can say via phone:

Hi, is this (customer name)?

“Great, this is (your name) calling from (company name). How are you doing today?” (customer response) (consultant response).

“I wanted to give you a call today to see if your order arrived and if everything was perfect with your items and delivery?” (customer response) (consultant response)

note: If anything was wrong with the order, handle it promptly.

“That’s great (customer name), I am so happy to hear that your order arrived safely and that you are enjoying your new items.” (customer response) (consultant response) “(customer name), I just wanted you to know that in the future when you want to place an order or if you would like to book a party, you can reach me at (phone) or at (email).” (pause for a customer response)

“(customer name) while I have you on the phone today, would you like for me to add you to my catalog mailing list?” (customer response) “Great, I will mail out a catalog to you every time we publish a new one with (company name).” (customer response)

“Thank you (customer name) for your purchase and for giving me a few minutes of your time today. I hope we get to talk again soon.” (customer response) (consultant response).

I find that if I keep my customer follow-up calls loosely structured that I get the best results. I keep my verbiage short, sweet and to the point. My calls don’t take a lot of time, usually less than 10 minutes per customer.

If you have the permission of the customer, you could send them an email to do your customer post sale follow-up…however, you should only do this if you have their permission to contact them via that route. If not, then you can get into trouble with your ISP for spamming the customer.

Your other option is to mail out a customer care postcard. Make sure you include your contact information on that postcard.

The most important thing is to take the time out of your busy schedule and do customer follow-ups. Show your customers that you care and that you appreciate their business.

Shelly Hill has been working from home in Direct Sales since 1989 and is a Manager with Tupperware. You can visit for additional Direct Sales Articles and tips or contact Shelly at
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